New Model Army - Glass meets Jessica Luostarinen

Name: Jessica Luostarinen

Agency: Wilhelmina London

Age: 24

Nationality: Finnish

How did you become a model and why?

I feel like I just somehow got pushed into the industry. I got told I should give modelling a try and I also was scouted couple times in Finland. Then I just went to see my agency and that’s how it started. I realised that with modelling, I could travel a lot and meet loads of new people from all around the world. That excited me a lot. So I thought, “hell yeah, let’s do this modelling thing”. I have always loved acting and performing too, so those things also got me into liking modelling so much.

Have you always wanted to be a model?

No. Actually, I played football for about eight years back in Finland and dreamed of becoming a professional football player. I still sometimes play though. You can catch me at London Fields with my football.

Who are your heroes in modelling and in life?

The heroes in modelling are all my fellow model friends who I have met throughout the years of modelling. The support and energy we share keeps us going in this industry. My heroes in life are, no doubt, my mum and dad, without their help and care I wouldn’t be here.

What is your current state of mind?

Being a unicorn, living life to the fullest and making it magical.

What’s your idea of happiness?

Loving yourself, that’s how you radiate the good vibes around you and it mirrors back at you. Happiness is this big positive energy circle. Just get in there and embrace it.

How would you like to be perceived by others?

I want others to perceive me as a positive, fun and inspiring person with whom they can have fun.

If you were not a model, what would you be?

I guess I would either be a football player or I would have gone to art school.

What is your favourite song or songs to walk to?

I love techno and electronic music, I just love a good beat. Nina Kraviz always gives me good beats to walk to and dance to especially. I’ve just recently discovered this new artist called Sebastian Olano whose beats have also given me good moves.

What do you miss most when you are travelling?

Travelling is like fuel for me, I feel happy when I get to travel. I’m not the type of person who misses a lot, I always put my mind and energy into the place I am at that moment. I always want to create new exciting stories when I’m travelling and share them with my friends and family later when we reunite again. But now that I live in London I have to admit that I really miss sauna from Finland.

What would you say is the biggest myth or misperception about being a model?

People always think that modelling is easy. Things like being constantly criticised by others, sent to new cities alone, adapting to new cultures, working in extreme weather conditions etc. takes a lot of patience and builds up character. I have always loved a challenge; this industry really gives you a great life school. And I love it.

All photographs: Camilla Glorioso

Casting: Sara Hesikova

Published 27/06/2017 at